Useful Astronomical Numbers

Astronomical Unit (A.U.)1.496 * 1011 m
Newton's Constant (G)6.674 * 10-11 N m2/kg2
solar luminosity (LS)3.843 * 1026 W

mean orbit radius (AU)radius (m)mass (kg)orbit period (years)rotational period (days)
Sun1.620 * 1096.955 * 1081.989 * 10302.200 * 1082.538 * 101
Mercury3.871 * 10-12.440 * 1063.302 * 10232.410 * 10-15.865 * 101
Venus7.233 * 10-16.052 * 1064.868 * 10246.150 * 10-1-2.430 * 102
Earth1.0006.378 * 1065.974 * 10241.0009.973 * 10-1
The Moon2.570 * 10-31.734 * 1067.348 * 10227.500 * 10-22.732 * 101
Mars1.5243.397 * 1066.418 * 10231.8811.026
Phobos6.269 * 10-51.382 * 1041.063 * 10168.731 * 10-41.026
Deimos1.568 * 10-47.688 * 1032.380 * 10153.456 * 10-31.026
Jupiter5.2037.149 * 1071.899 * 10271.186 * 1014.135 * 10-1
Io2.821 * 10-31.821 * 1068.932 * 10224.844 * 10-31.769
Europa4.485 * 10-31.565 * 1064.800 * 10229.723 * 10-33.551
Ganymede7.153 * 10-32.634 * 1061.482 * 10231.959 * 10-27.155
Callisto1.259 * 10-22.403 * 1061.076 * 10234.569 * 10-21.669 * 101
Saturn9.5376.027 * 1075.685 * 10262.940 * 1014.440 * 10-1
Mimas1.240 * 10-31.960 * 1053.750 * 10192.580 * 10-39.424 * 10-1
Enceladus1.591 * 10-32.470 * 1057.000 * 10193.751 * 10-31.370
Tethys1.970 * 10-35.300 * 1056.270 * 10205.169 * 10-31.888
Dione2.523 * 10-35.600 * 1051.100 * 10217.493 * 10-32.737
Rhea3.523 * 10-37.640 * 1052.310 * 10211.237 * 10-24.518
Titan8.167 * 10-32.575 * 1061.346 * 10234.366 * 10-21.595 * 101
Hyperion9.900 * 10-38.878 * 1048.000 * 10175.830 * 10-21.300 * 101
Iaepetus2.381 * 10-27.180 * 1051.600 * 10212.172 * 10-17.933 * 101
Uranus1.919 * 1012.559 * 1078.685 * 10258.402 * 101-7.196 * 10-1
Miranda8.681 * 10-42.360 * 1056.600 * 10193.870 * 10-31.413
Ariel1.276 * 10-35.790 * 1051.350 * 10216.900 * 10-32.520
Titania2.916 * 10-37.889 * 1053.530 * 10212.384 * 10-28.706
Neptune3.007 * 1012.476 * 1071.024 * 10261.648 * 1026.712 * 10-1
Triton2.371 * 10-31.352 * 1062.140 * 1022-1.609 * 10-2-5.877

©2010, Kenneth R. Koehler. All Rights Reserved. This document may be freely reproduced provided that this copyright notice is included.

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