

  1. If we define the vector momentum
    p ≡ m v,
    the force experienced by an object (measured in Newtons: 1 N ≡ 1 kg m/s2) is
    F ≡ dp/dt
    = dm/dt v + m a
    We will refer to this equation as "Newton's laws". In most cases, dm/dt = 0.
  2. Commonly useful forces are:

  3. Take an inventory of all the forces acting on each object, in all perpendicular directions (x and y, or parallel and normal if an incline is involved). Gravity is almost always present, and there is a nonzero force in every direction in which there is a nonzero acceleration, so ask yourself what the acceleration is in every direction.
    For every direction in which any force acts and the component of acceleration is zero, there must be more than one force acting along that direction!
    Then write the vector component equations for Newton's laws for each object or point of connection. Make sure that the relative signs of the forces and the accelerations make physical sense. State specifically the direction of motion associated with positive acceleration for each object under consideration.

    Consider the following contraption:

    • Mass 1 (m1) is acted upon by the forces of

      • gravity (down),
      • tension T1 (up),
      • buoyancy (up)
      • and drag (up if m1 is sinking, down if m1 is rising).

    • Mass 2 (m2) is acted upon by

      • the force of gravity (down),
      • the normal force exerted by the surface (up),
      • the contact force between masses 2 and 3 (denoted F23; left if m2 is moving to the right, 0 otherwise),
      • tensions T1 (left) and
      • T2 (right), and
      • the force of friction with the surface (right if m2 is moving to the left, left if m2 is moving to the right).

    • Mass 3 (m3) is acted upon by

      • the force of gravity (down),
      • the normal force exerted by the surface (up),
      • the contact force between masses 2 and 3 (right if m2 is moving right, 0 otherwise), and
      • the force of friction with the surface (left if m3 is moving to the right, 0 otherwise).

    • Mass 4 (m4) is acted upon by

      • the force of gravity (down, producing a component normal to the incline and a component parallel to the incline which contributes to m4 sliding down the incline),
      • tension T2 (up the incline),
      • the force of friction with the surface (down the incline if m4 is moving up the incline, up the incline if m4 is moving down the incline), and
      • the force due to the spring k (up the incline if the spring is compressed beyond its equilibrium position, down the incline if the spring is stretched beyond its equilibrium position, and 0 if the spring is at its equilibrium position).

    Assuming the motion is to the right, and that all ropes remain taut, Newton's laws are then:

    massxyparallel to the inclinenormal to the incline
    m1T1 - m1 g + ρ V g - b v = m1 a
    m2T2 - T1 - μ N2 - F23 = m2 a N2 - m2 g = 0
    m3F23 - μ N3 = m3 a N3 - m3 g = 0
    m4k (x0 - x4) + m4 g sin θ - μ N4 - T2 = m4 aN4 - m4 g cos θ = 0

    Note that x4 is measured parallel to the incline, and that we have assumed that the spring is extended (x4 is negative) so that the force due to the spring is pulling m4 down the incline.

    This system of equations is actually a complicated set of differential equations, and is an example of how much easier it is to write down equations in physics than it is to solve them. To make the problem more tractable, we will make the surfaces frictionless (by setting μ to 0), empty the fluid to remove bouyancy and drag (by setting ρ and b to 0), and remove both m3 and the spring (by setting m3 and k to 0). The resulting system is a set of three linear equations in three variables (T1, T2 and a), with the solution

    • T1 = m1 g (m2 + m4 (1 + sin θ)) / (m1 + m2 + m4)
    • T2 = m4 g (m1 + (m1 + m2) sin θ) / (m1 + m2 + m4)
    • a = (m4 sin θ - m1) g / (m1 + m2 + m4)
    Note that a > 0 corresponds to motion to the right, so if m1 > m4 sin θ, the direction of motion is reversed. And if m1 = m4 sin θ, the system is in equilibrium: the net forces are zero.

    As long as b and k are zero, this system is still a set of linear equations which we can solve. But if ρ, μ or m3 are nonzero, we must look carefully at the signs. For μ > 0, the solution is

    • T1 = m1 g (m2 (1 - μ) + m4 (1 + sin θ - μ cos θ) ) / (m1 + m2 + m4)
    • T2 = m4 g (m1 + μ m2 + (m1 + m2) (sin θ - μ cos θ)) / (m1 + m2 + m4)
    • a = (m4 sin θ - (m1 + μ (m2 + m4 cos θ)) g / (m1 + m2 + m4)
    Now there are values of μ as well as θ which can stop the motion. Note, however, that no value of μ can reverse the motion!
  4. Some forces are the result of measurement in accelerating frames of reference:

    • The centrifugal force is the apparent force you experience (in the opposite direction to the centripetal force) because you are in a rotating coordinate system.
    • The Coriolis force is the apparent force due to the rotation of the Earth: the tangential speed is a decreasing function of latitude.
    • Every local gravitational force is equivalent to measurement in an accelerated reference frame; this is the Einstein equivalence principle.
  5. Be sure to distinguish when gravity is in the same plane as centripetal motion, and when it is perpendicular to the centripetal motion.

    • In the former case, ask whether the circular motion acts to make the object seem lighter or heavier.
    • In the latter case, there is often an important angle whose tangent is the ratio of the centripetal and gravitational forces.

    Consider an object undergoing centripetal motion on a banked track of incline angle θ:

    N = m g cos θ - m v2 sin θ / r

    Fparallel = m v2 cos θ / r - m g sin θ - μ N

    If the object is not to skid, we must have Fparallel = 0, or
    tan θ = (v2 - μ g r) / (g r - μ v2).
    In the limit θ = 0, the no-slip condition yields
    μ = v2 / (g r).


©2010, Kenneth R. Koehler. All Rights Reserved. This document may be freely reproduced provided that this copyright notice is included.

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