

  1. Substitution of variables can be used to reduce two equations in two unknowns to a single equation in one of them.

    If in a problem the value of a certain variable is neither given nor requested, a reasonable approach is to eliminate that variable.

  2. xa xb = xa + b
    xa / xb = xa - b
    (xa)b = xa b
  3. If A x2 + B x + C = 0, x = (-B ± √ (B2 - 4 A C)) / (2 A).
  4. eln x = x
    ln (ex) = x
  5. The graph of y = a f(x + b) is the graph of f(x), dilated in the y direction by the factor a and translated to the left by b.
  6. n! ≡ n * (n - 1) * (n -2) * ... * 3 * 2 * 1
  7. The number of ways of choosing m items from a set of n items, when order does not matter, is
    n! / (m! (n-m)!)
  8. The weighted average of a quantity Q with values in two sub-populations (a and b) is
    <Q> = fa * Qa + (1 - fa) * Qb,
    where fa is the fraction of the total population having value Qa, and the rest of the population has value Qb.


©2012, Kenneth R. Koehler. All Rights Reserved. This document may be freely reproduced provided that this copyright notice is included.

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