

  1. Intensity is defined as power per unit area.
  2. Using the reference intensity I0 ≡ 10-12 W/m2, we define the sound level in decibels as
    db ≡ 10 log(I / I0).
  3. For a sound source approaching an observer at speed uS, the observed wavelength is shortened by the source translation distance in one period:
    λO = λS - uS TS
    or, with TS = λS / c:
    λO = λS (c - uS) / c
  4. If the observer is approaching the source at speed uO, the observed wavelength is shortened by the observer translation distance in one period as observed by the observer:
    λO = λS - uO TO
    or, with TO = λO / c:
    λO = λS c / (c + uO)
  5. Putting these together, we have the general equation for the one-dimensional Doppler Effect: the shift in observed wavelength as a function of the velocities of the source and observer:
    λO = λS (c - uS) / (c + uO)
    or, in terms of frequency:
    νO = νS (c + uO) / (c - uS)
    Note that if the source is moving away from the observer, uS < 0. Likewise, if the observer is moving away from the source, uO < 0.
  6. For sound waves in air:
    c = √ (γ R T / M),
    where (as we will later find), γ is 1.4 for air (whose molecules are assumed to be diatomic), R is the molar gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin and M is the molar mass (0.02895 kg/mole for air). This equation approximates to
    c = 20.05 m/s * √ T


©2010, Kenneth R. Koehler. All Rights Reserved. This document may be freely reproduced provided that this copyright notice is included.

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