Some of this content comes from work done trying to understand what I have found. As such, it represents the current state of my understanding (and ignorance) of the topic. This content, too, will be cheerfully amended as my understanding increases.Some notation:
Rn denotes the open set of reals in n dimensions.
Sn denotes the n-dimensional sphere (S1 is a circle, S2 is the surface of a ball, etc.).
Bn denotes the n-dimensional ball (B1 is a line segment with end points, B2 is a disc, etc.).
In is the unit line segment, square, cube, etc.
Zn is the group of integers modulo n.A group is a set of elements closed under an associative multiplication operator (a product is a member of the group), which possesses an identity element (I), such that every element has an inverse (G G-1 = I). The number of elements in the group is the order.
Q = G / H is the quotient group, such that for all elements g in G - H and h in H, g h g-1 is in H (h is conjugated by g and H is a normal subgroup), and H is the equivalency class of the identity element in Q.
O(n) is the group of rotations in n dimensions; SO(n) is the subgroup of O(n) which includes the identity. As with all special groups, its elements have unit determinant.
A manifold equipped with an atlas of coordinate charts (a set of local coordinate systems mapping open patches of the manifold to Rn) is a G-manifold when the transition functions (which map overlapping coordinate charts) are members of the group G. Atlases are not unique.A manifold is Cn if its derivatives up to and including order n are all continuous. A C∞ manifold is called smooth.
A space X is compact if every open cover (a possibly infinite collection of open subsets of X whose union is equal to X) has a finite sub-cover (a finite sub-collection which still covers X). S1 is compact, R1 is not.(Tao)
A group acts freely if only the identity element leaves fixed points.(Thurston, p. 243)
(Hu, p. 290, 291)
- if any element of Γ changes the orientation, n must be even;
- if any element other than the identity of Γ preserves the orientation, n must be odd;
- if n is even and Γ is nontrivial, it must be a cyclic group of order 2, and Hp(M) = 0 if p is even, Hp(M) = Γ if p is odd;
- if n is odd and Γ is abelian, Γ is cyclic, Hn(M) = Z and Hp(M) = 0 if p is even, Hp(M) = Γ if p is odd;
A group is abelian if its elements all commute (g1 g2 = g2 g1). Cyclic groups are abelian. The number of linearly independent elements in the maximal Abelian subgroup of a group is called the rank of the group.In general the rank of a group is the minimum number of group generators such that every element in the group is equal to a finite product of the generators.The maximal rank of an isometry group for an (n > 2)-dimensional geometry is n (n - 1) / 2.- a discrete group Γ acting freely on a compact manifold implies that Γ is finite.
A discrete group has no infinite sequence of elements that converges to the identity. (Marden, section 2.2)A free group has no finite product of elements equal to the identity. (Mumford et. al., chapter 5)
An h-cobordism is a cobordism where the inclusions of M and N into W are homotopy equivalences.
Any h-cobordism between simply connected manifolds of dimension > 5 is diffeomorphic to the cylinder. (Averett, p. 8)
Consider a triangulated space. The link of a vertex is the complex consisting of the neighboring vertices.
For an n-dimensional space, if the link of every vertex is homeomorphic to an n-1 sphere, the space is
a manifold. (Thurston, p. 121)
The set of equivalence classes of such maps forms a group πk(M), the kth homotopy group of M.
π1 is called the fundamental group.
π1 are isomorphic for homeomorphic manifolds.
If M = M1 ⊗ M2, πk(M) = πk(M1) +
For k > 1, πk is abelian.
For k > 1, πk(S1) = 0.
For k < n, πk(Sn) = 0.
πk(Sk) = Z.
For n > 1, π1(RPn) = Z2.
(Greenberg, p. 25, 34, 36)
The free product is formed by taking all products of the elements of each group (where any two adjacent factors are from different groups), and reducing the product by removing any adjacent factors which are equivalent to the identity.
Every closed manifold homotopy equivalent to Sn is homeomorphic to Sn (the Poincare Conjecture).
A homotopy sphere is an n-manifold homotopically equivalent to Sn. An exotic sphere is a homotopy sphere which is not diffeomorphic to Sn. An "ordinary sphere" has a smooth structure inherited from its embedding into Rn+1. The following table gives the number of diffeomorphism classes of spheres in dimensions 1 through 15:
(Averett, p. 7, 8, 10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 1 ∞ ? 1 1 28 2 8 6 992 1 3 2 16256
The genus is the number of "handles". g = 1 for the surface of a donut.The following illustrate the nonintuitive result that higher-dimensional spheres can be mapped onto lower-dimensional spheres:
πk(Sn) = πk(S2n-1) = πk-1(Sn-1).(Hu, p. 58, 153, 325, 328, 329, 332)
πn+1(Sn) = πn+2(Sn) = Z2 for n > 2.
πk(S2) = πk(S3) for k > 2.
π3(S2) = Z.
πk(S2) = Z2 for k = 4, 5, 7 and 8.
π6(S2) = Z12.
π9(S2) = Z3.
π10(S2) = Z15.
A fiber bundle is a total space E which locally is a Cartesian product of the fiber space F and the base space M, with a projection E → M.SO(3) is topologically RP3, with π1 = Z2, and universal cover S3.A connection is a field transverse to the fibers which defines motion among fibers relative to motion in the base manifold; it is the same dimension as the base manifold. Except in the trivial (flat) case, it can only be defined within a local coordinate patch.
If M is a closed surface other than S2 or RP2, π1(M) is infinite and the universal cover is R2. (Hu, p. 96)
The index of a subgroup H is the number of elements x hi in G where hi is in H and x is not in H.Of Sn, T2 (of arbitrary genus), RPn, CPn and HPn, only RPn for n even is not orientable. (Greenberg, p. 162, 168)
The tangent space of a Lie group at the identity has the structure of a Lie algebra: a vector space equipped with a commutator [x,y] = - [y,x] which statisfies the Jacobi identity [[x,y],z] + [[y,z],x] + [[z,x],y] = 0.Diffeomorphism classes of closed n-Euclidean manifolds are in 1:1 correspondence, via their fundamental groups, with torsion-free groups containing a subgroup of finite index isomorphic to Z n.The stabilizers of a group are those elements which leave fixed points.
A (G, X) structure on a space X is a maxmial coordinate chart such that the coordinate systems in every overlapping patch are related by elements of the group G; a diffeomorphism class of metrics on M.
The elements gi form a conjugacy class if for all elements x in G, x-1 gi x is one of the gi.
A torsion element x satisfies xm = I for some integer m.(Thurston, p. 157, 167, 222)
For M hyperbolic and k > 1, πk(M) = 0. (Marden, section 5.2)
Hp(M;G) = 0 for p > n = dim(M).
If M is connected, H0(M;G) = G.
If M is orientable, Hn(M;G) = G.
If M is orientable and G is R, C or Z2, Hp(M;G) = Hn-p(M;G)
(Poincare Duality). (Eguchi, Gilkey and Hanson, p. 233)
Hp(Sn) is isomorphic to Hp-1(Sn-1) for p > 1.
Hp(RPn) = G2 (submodule annihilated by multiplication by 2) for p even > 1;
G / 2 for p odd > 0, < n; G for p = 0 or n odd. (Greenberg, p. 83, 121)
H1 = π1 / [π1, π1]. (Bott and Tu, p. 225)
[G, G] is the commutator subgroup of G: the subgroup of G generated by all of the commutators of G. It is the smallest normal subgroup of G such that G / [G, G] is abelian.If E is the universal cover of M, π2(M) is isomorphic to H2(E).
b0 = the number of connected components.
bp = 0 (0 < p < n) for a compact, orientable manifold of positive constant curvature (M is a homology sphere).
bp <= (n p) for a compact, orientable, locally flat manifold. Tn saturates that bound.
bp = 0 (0 < p < n) for a compact, orientable conformally flat manifold of positive definite Ricci curvature.
(Goldberg, p. 89, 118; see also pp. 91, 92, 131)
b1 = b2 = 0 for a compact semi-simple Lie group (metric is non-degenerate). b3 = 1 for a compact simple Lie group. (Goldberg, p. 140, 145; see also p. 144)
bp = 0 for RPn except for b0 = 1, and bn = 1 if n is odd.
If M is a compact submanifold of Rn (n > 1) with k connected components, bn-1(Rn - M) = k.
(Greenberg, p. 129, 167)
An n-manifold M is equivalent to the product of a 1-manifold and an (n-1)-manifold iff χ(M) = 0. (Thurston, p. 115)
Further, χ(M) = χ(M1) χ(M2). (Eguchi, Gilkey and Hanson, p. 238)
If M and N are connected n-manifolds, χ(M # N) = χ(M) + χ(N), - 2 if n is even. (Greenberg, p. 131)
H0(M;R) is the space of constant functions.
Hn(M;R) is the space of volume forms.
(Eguchi, Gilkey and Hanson, p. 234)
Note that an n-manifold is orientable iff it has a nowhere-vanishing n-form.
Two manifolds with the same homotopy type have the same de Rham cohomology. (Bott and Tu, p. 29, 36)
M is a boundary of a smooth compact manifold iff the Stiefel-Whitney numbers of M are all zero.
Characteristic numbers are topologically invariant integrals of elements of Hp(M;G) over p-chains.Two smooth closed n-manifolds belong to the same cobordism class iff their Stiefel-Whitney numbers are all equal. (Milnor and Stasheff, p. 52, 53)
Det(I - Ω / 2π) = 1 + p4 + p8 + ...where Ω is the O(k) curvature of the bundle. (Eguchi, Gilkey and Hanson, p. 311)
If some Pontrjagin number of M4 k is nonzero, M cannot possess any orientation-reversing diffeomorphism, and M cannot be the boundary of a smooth compact oriented manifold with boundary.
M is an oriented boundary iff all Pontrjagin numbers and Stiefel-Whitney numbers are zero. (Milnor and Stasheff, p. 186, 217)
tr A ^ dA + (2/3) A ^ A ^ Awhere A is the connection one-form. (Eguchi, Gilkey and Hanson, p. 313, 350)
χ(M) = 2 κn/2 Vol(M) / Vol(Sn)This is the Gauss-Bonnet theorem.
If M is also orientable and hyperbolic, χ(M) is even. If n is even and M is hyperbolic and of finite volume,
Vol(M) = (-1)n/2 χ(M) Area(Sn-1) / 2(Marden, section 4.10)
If f is not an isometry, the Euler characteristic is the signed sum of the number of zeroes, where the sign is determined by whether or not the diffeomorphism preserves the orientation. (Eguchi, Gilkey and Hanson, p. 335)
The sign here comes from the index, which is +1 for a source or a sink, and -1 for a saddle. (Thurston, p. 23)
A bundle section is a continuous map from the base space to the total space. It associates a single point on the fiber over each point in the base space.If such a section exists, the manifold is said to be parallelizable.
The Euler class of a parallelizable manifold is zero.
If G is a group of analytic diffeomorphisms on a simply connected space X, any complete (G,X) manifold can be reconstructed from its holonomy group Γ as X / Γ.
If the isotropy group of every point is compact, the manifold is complete. (The isotropy subgroup of a group leaves one or more points fixed. isotropy is uniformity in all directions.)If H is a subgroup of G, the G-structure can be stiffened to an H-structure iff its holonomy group is conjugate to a subgroup of H. (Thurston, p. 141, 143, 151, Thurston Notes, p. 35)Completeness is equivalent to geodesic completeness. (Ratcliffe, p. 367)
The holonomy group Hol(g) depends on the connection. Hol(g) ⊂ O(n). For loops isotopic to I, the subgroup of Hol(g) is Hol0(g). Hol0(g) ⊂ SO(n). If π1(M) = 0, Hol0(g) = Hol(g).
SO(n) U(n/2) for n ≥ 4 M is Kahler SU(n/2) for n ≥ 4 M is Kahler and Ricci-flat (Calabi-Yau) Sp(1) ⋅ Sp(n/4) for n ≥ 8 M is Einstein and quaternionic Kahler Sp(n/4) for n ≥ 8 M is Riici-flat Spin(9) for n = 16 M is Einstein and either flat or the Cayley plane Spin(7) for n = 8 M is Ricci-flat G2 for n = 7 M is Ricci-flat (Spin(n) is the double cover of SO(n))
A Kahler metric is a Hermitian metric whose complex operator is covariantly constant.
If M admits an exterior form α : Dα = 0, and if α is not a power of the Kahler form associated with the metric, M is Einstein.
(Besse, ch. 10)
A Riemannian space V n (n > 2) has constant curvature iff it locally admits an isotropy group of rank n (n - 1) / 2 at each point. (Kramer et al, Th. 8.13, 8.14)
(Besse, pp. 6, 17, 157-158)
ND0 = ( D - 2 ) ( D - 1 ) D ( D + 3 ) / 12while for order k there are:
NDk = D ( k + 1 ) ( D + k + 1 ) ! / ( 2 ( D - 2 ) ! ( k + 3 ) ! )(Haskins)
In both cases, geodesics are the intersection with a (timelike) plane in the embedding. (Ratcliffe, chs. 2, 3)
positive (Sn) negative (Hn) embedding Σ xi2 = r2 in Rn+1 x02 - Σ xi2 = - r2 in R1,n (one sheet) embedding map x1 = r cos θ1 x0 = r cosh η x2 = r sin θ1 cos θ2 x1 = r sinh η cos θ1 ... ... xn = r sin θ1 sin θ2 ... sin θn-1 cos θn xn-1 = r sinh η sin θ1 ... sin θn-2 cos θn-1 xn+1 = r sin θ1 sin θ2 ... sin θn-1 sin θn xn = r sinh η sin θ1 ... sin θn-2 sin θn-1 isometry group O(n+1) PO(1,n) (one sheet) arc length (ds2) r2 (dθ12 + sin2θ1 dθ22 + ... + sin2θ1 ... sin2θn-1 dθn2) r2 (dη2 + sinh2 η dθ12 + ... + sinh2 η sin2θ1 ... sin2θn-2 dθn-12) curvature n (n-1) / r2 -n (n-1) / r2 volume element rn (sinn-1 θ1) (sinn-2 θ2) ... (sin θn-1) Π dθi rn (sinhn-1 η) (sinn-2 θ1) ... (sin θn-2) dη Π dθi volume 2 π(n+1)/2 rn / Γ((n+1)/2) 2 πn/2 rn / Γ(n/2) * (-1/in) Cosh(η) 2F1(1/2, 1-n/2, 3/2, Cosh2(η))
(η runs from 0 to ∞; all θ coordinates run from 0 to π except the last, which runs to 2π; 2F1 is a hypergeometric function)
Any manifold finitely covered by S2 ⊗ S1 does not admit a metric with constant sectional curvature. (Besse, p. 158)
The Poincare ball model of Hn is a unit ball in Euclidean space. r=0 at the center and the boundary is r=∞. Any arc of a circle orthogonal to the boundary is a hyperbolic geodesic. Inversions (see below) in (n-1)-spheres orthogonal to the boundary are hyperbolic isometries. A metric for the model is
ds2 = 4 dx2 / (1 - r2)2where dx2 is the ordinary Euclidean metric.
The subgroup of Moebn-1 which takes an Sk to itself is isomorphic to Moebk ⊗ O(n-k).
Moebn is equivalent to the homeomorphisms of Sn which map Sn-1s to each other.
(Thurston, pp. 61, 62, 83)
If the n-gon is embedded in a surface of positive curvature, the sum is greater; if it is
embedded in a surface of negative curvature, the sum is less.
For example, let S be a genus 2 torus and D be a disc whose boundary intersects S between the holes. D is a compression disc.
D divides the genus 2 torus into two genus 1 tori (with appropriate surgery).
A closed hyperbolic surface can be smoothly (C∞) and isometrically embedded in R17.
A noncompact hyperbolic surface can be smoothly and isometrically embedded in R51.
(Marden, section 2.7)
The two tori represent rectangular and hexagonal tilings of the Euclidean plane, respectively.
A simple notation is often used in such constructions. Label each singly-hatched side "a", each
doubly-hatched side "b" and each triply-hatched side "c" (etc.). Then, typically starting with an "a" side whose
direction is clockwise, proceed clockwise; whenever the side's arrow is parallel to your clockwise
direction, write the letter; when the side has an arrow which is in the opposite direction, write the letter
as an inverse. Hence we have:
Consider a surface of genus 2. A two-holed torus can be constructed using identifications on an octagon:
An interior angle of a regular octagon is 3π/4. At each vertex, two octagons is not enough and three is
too many. But as we see below, χ for the genus-2 torus is -2, which means that it
can only be given a hyperbolic structure. When the octagon is embedded in H2, the sides become curved;
by an appropriate choice of size for the octagon, the interior angles will be π/4, and the octagon
can then be used to tile H2.
(Thurston, section 1.2)
An identification of the sides of a 2g-gon of the form
(Thurston, p. 26)
The Uniformization Theorem states that a simply connected Riemann surface can be conformally mapped into
exactly one of S2 (if χ > 0), C (if χ = 0) or B2 (if χ < 0).
Every Riemann surface whose π1 is nonabelian admits a hyperbolic metric compatible with its
complex structure. It has finite hyperbolic area IFF it is a closed surface with n punctures (open discs removed)
and 2g+n≥3.
(Marden, sections 2.7, 2.9)
Every closed 2-manifold is homeomorphic to S2, a connected sum of tori, a connected sum of tori and one projective plane, or
a connected sum of tori and one Klein bottle. (Averett, p. 4)
Every compact, connected 2-manifold is topologically equivalent to a sphere (2-cell notation aa-1), a connected sum of tori
(aba-1b-1cdc-1d-1...), or a connected sum of projective planes (aabbccdd...).
Every compact, connected 2-manifold with boundary is equivalent as just stated, with some finite
number of discs removed. (Henle, p. 122, 129) (Christenson, p. 439)
Every compact connected surface is diffeomorphic to S2 - some number of B2, with either I2 or
Moebius bands connecting the holes.
Two surfaces are diffeomorphic iff they have the same genus, Euler characteristic and number of boundary components.
Two surfaces are diffeomorphic iff they have the same Euler characteristic and number of boundary components, and are both
either orientable or non-orientable.
Every connected compact orientable 2-manifold is diffeomorphic to the surface obtained from an orientable surface of genus 1 -
(χ + δ) / 2 by the removal of δ disjoint B2.
(Hirsch, p. 189, 205, 207)
Every open surface admits a hyperbolic structure. (Scott, p. 421)
The Euler characteristic of a surface formed by gluing two surfaces
with boundary along a boundary component is the sum of the original Euler characteristics.
A sphere with g handles, c cross-caps and d open discs removed has Euler characteristic
If Tr(f) = 0, f2 = I (so f is elliptic).
Suppose groups G and H of Moebius transformations are each generated by two parabolic elements. G and H are conjugate (therefore isomorphic)
if their invariants Tr(ab)-2 are equal up to sign. (Lyndon and Ullman, p. 1388)
Λ(G) ≡ E2 - Ω(G) is called the limit set.
These are the fixed points of G. If G has only elliptic elements,
it is finite and Λ(G) is empty. If Λ(G) is not empty, it has one, two, or uncountably
infinite points.
The fundamental group of ∂M
is isomorphic to G, which means the Kleinian groups constitute
representations of the fundamental group for a given quotient space topology.
The region exterior to the paired curves is made up of two disjoint tiles (labeled "1" and "2"
above), which become the two sides of the torus separated by the puncture.
All quasifuchsian groups yield the same type of quotient surface.
rank 2 with 1 parabolic → genus 2 with 1 element of π1 pinched → 2 once-punctured tori
The green point is the fixed point of a, and the magenta point is the fixed point of b. The region external to the circles corresponds to the
surface of the 4-punctured sphere.
rank 2 with 2 parabolic → genus 2 with 2 elements of π1 pinched → 4-punctured sphere
The Riley slice is symmetric about both the real and imaginary axes. Here is a portion of the limit set for λ=0.05+0.93i:
To make this image, a and b were conjugated by ((i,-1),(1,-i))/√2 so that the points at real ∞ have been
translated to (0,i) and the origin has been translated to (0,-i).
As drawn, the radius of circle "a" is infinite; the green point is the fixed point of a, and the
magenta point is the fixed point of b.
rank 2 with 3 parabolic → genus 2 with 3 elements of π1 pinched → 2 thrice-punctured spheres
The sets of tiles (on each side) are disjoint from each other.
We will call such groups gasket groups (also called double-cusp groups).
An acylindrical manifold is boundary incompressible and
contains no essential cylinders. Such a manifold M of genus g with n punctures has 3g+n-3
simple loops which divide M into 2g+n-2 "pairs of pants", and whose corresponding group
elements can become parabolic in the algebraic limit. Hence each of the loops can be
pinched to become a puncture, and each pair of pants becomes a component of ∂M.
(Marden, section 5.3)
(Here, the blue circle represents the actions of ab and ba.)
This modular group is unique up to conjugation, and
the space is rigid (Marden, section 2.10);
An apBq group element can be found by constructing the set starting with
{1}, adding q or
subtracting p so that the elements are always positive and never greater than p+q, until
you return to 1. The group element is the product of a's and B's created from writing an a
for each subtraction and a B for each addition (in reverse order).
For instance, the 2,5 set is
If we want G to be a gasket group, we will force Tr(b) to be 2 and look for a
p,q element to be the other parabolic element (abAB will be parabolic with our parameterization).
∂M will then be a pair of triply-punctured spheres.
Parameterizing a by the Maskit parameter μ we have a = ((-iμ, -i),
(-i, 0)) and b = ((1, 2), (0, 1)). The trace of the 2,5 group element is
We therefore have three possible solutions:
0.375189 + 1.30024i, 1.06548 + 1.2824i and 0.766588 + 1.64214i.
When generating Λ(G)s of the first two, one obtains chaotic, overlapping patterns
characteristic of non-discrete
groups; but the last one yields a discrete group (see below).
For p or q < 0, begin with -p,1, for which the parabolic word is abp,
and 0,1 (parabolic word a). For any p,q find relatively prime integers r,s for which
ps - rq = ±1.
A new parabolic word will be
G is discrete iff Λ(G) has no points in the interior of H3. (Purcell, p. 102)
Degenerate groups are discrete and geometrically infinite (but M(G) may have
finite volume).
For example, let
The magenta and green points correspond to the fixed points of a and b, respectively;
the red circle corresponds to the action of aB, and the blue circle corresponds to the
action of acBC. The quotient surface is four triply-punctured spheres.
The limit set has four mutually disjoint sets of components, corresponding to the four
numbered tiles.
(Mumford et. al., chs. 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10)
For any two sets of three points, there is exactly one element of PSL(2,C) which maps the first set to the
(Thurston, p. 87)
If a surface has empty boundary, two structures of S are equivalent in moduli space iff they have the same holonomy group (up to conjugacy).
They are equivalent in Teichmuller space iff they have the same holonomy map.
The mapping class group of T2 is PSL(2,Z) (the projective special linear group acting on pairs of integers).
The Teichmuller space of a compact surface that admits a hyperbolic structure is homeomorphic to R 3 |χ|.
If there are n punctures, the dimension is 3 |χ| - n (or 6g + 2n - 6). (Marden, sect. 2.10)
The Maskit slice is a 1-complex-dimensional slice of Teichmuller space corresponding to Tr(b) = 2 and Tr(abAB) = -2.
The slice has translational symmetry because Tr(ab) = Tr(a) ± 2k, k ∈ Z. From our considerations above,
we need only examine the region 0 ≤ Re(μ) < 2, 1 ≤ Im(μ).
On the left, Im(μ) = 2 and Re(μ) varies from 0 to 1.9; on the right, Re(μ) = 1 and Im(μ) varies from 4 to 1.5:
The "essential" portion of the slice is shown here (with some groups identified by (p,q):
The red points indicate the gasket groups on the Maskit boundary.
Groups with values of μ above the boundary are single-cusp groups. Groups below the boundary are almost all non-discrete, with one
class of exceptions: the magenta points are non-free groups.
Note that a single value of (p,q) (i.e., 9,20) can have solutions to its trace equation which are a gasket and a non-free group
(9,20 also has eight non-discrete groups).
The non-free groups plotted above are (5,12), (7,16), (9,20), (11,24), (13,28) and (15,32).
Note that the region 0 ≤ Re(μ) < 2 appears to be symmetric about the line Re(μ) = 1. This is due to a combination of symmetries
g(μ) ≈ g(μ*) ≈ g(-μ*) ≈ g(μ + 2), or equivalently, g(μ) ≈ g(2 - μ),
where here "≈" denotes equivalence up to conjugacy (the "mirror image" groups labeled above are all conjugate).
The slice also shows a pattern in the ratio p/q:
Here red corresponds to p/q = 0 and blue corresponds to p/q = 21/22 (the highest ratio computed for this data set).
(Mumford et. al., ch. 10)
For a given 3-manifold M, the minimum genus for all possible splittings is the Heegaard genus. The rank of π1(M) cannot be larger than the Heegaard genus. (Marden, section 2.8.1)
If M is orientable and irreducible, then π2(M) = 0. (Scott, p. 483)
we first draw its (somewhat stylized) skeleton:
The topology of the knot complement is defined by the under/over-crossings. Since the knot itself is not in the complement,
the numbered segments will each become an ideal vertex (located on the sphere at ∞). The
crossings will become edges, and the regions in the plane of the knot projects will become triangles:
There will be one tetrahedron on this side of the plane, and one on the other (which we will attend to shortly). Triangles A, B, C and D
will form the sides of the tetrahedron; regions e and f are bigons (a region bounded by exactly 2 edges and
2 vertices (Purcell, p. 9). These will be collapsed because their edges will be isotopic, by construction.
Following (Purcell, section 1.1), we draw in 4 copies of the edge at each crossing:
Edges can either be drawn from over-crossongs to under-crossings, or vise versa,
but for any given crossing, they must all be one way or the other.
We see that
Thus the graph of the tetrahedron on this side of the plane is
The zi are vertex invariants (defined below); after labeling the vertex angles, each edge opposite a given
angle is labeled with that vertex invariant; opposite edges have the same vertex invariants.
The link of each vertex is denoted by the directed circles; since the tetrahedra are ideal,
the links are Euclidean triangles.
To construct the tetrahedron on the bottom side of the knot plane, we first must turn the knot over:
Notice that what were under-crossings are now over-crossings, and vise versa. Its skeleton is labeled with new vertex numbers to avoid confusion
(they will all be identified at the end):
The graph of the tetrahedron on the underside of the knot plane is then
The figure 8 knot complement is composed from the identifications on this pair of ideal
equilateral tetrahedra, and removal of the vertex:
The identifications produce an object with 1 vertex, 2 edges,
4 sides and 2 tetrahedra;
removal of the vertex (so that χ = 0) makes the object a 3-manifold.
Note that z1 z2 z3 = -1.
The gluing consistency conditions may be obtained by multiplying the vertex invariants for each edge:
Here, the numbers indicate the vertices, the vertex invariants are labeled, and each triangle represents
the link of its associated vertex. The red and blue dots represent the two edges (compare the consistency conditions).
Note that the vertex invariants must be in cyclic order in each link, and link edges must share a face; for instance,
going from z1 to z2 around vertex 1 you pass through face A; you must therefore pass through that same face
when going from w1 to w2 around vertex 5.
Suppose the holonomy is H(l) for the longitude of the torus, and H(m) is the holonomy for the meridian of the torus.
Consider transporting a vector between the red edges adjacent to vertex 1 (say, pointing up), along the red arrow (longitude)
to its corresponding position at the end of the red arrow (again, pointing up). Rotation across a vertex invariant
zi in a counterclockwise direction introduces a factor of zi in the numerator,
while rotating across zi in a clockwise direction introduces a factor of zi in the denominator.
We obtain:
In addition, completeness imposes two other conditions: dH(l)/dl and dH(m)/dm must
both equal one (the holonomy must be trivial). The first condition tells us that z=w; the second determines z:
Here is an image of the figure 8 knot complement horospheres from SnapPy:
Here is the same image overlaid with the limit set above:
The void areas in the limit set are centered on the parabolic fixed points at the center of each horosphere.
This agrees with SnapPy +2. In fact, out of
SnapPy 2.8's CensusKnots with a single cusp, only 81 out of 1267 did not differ by a real integer when choosing the shortest lengths.
The figure 8 knot complement is H3 / G, where G is generated by
a = {{1,1},{0,1}} and b = {{1,0},{-σ,1}}, where σ is a primitive cube root of 1, is also a representation of π1 of
the figure 8 knot complement. ((Purcell, p. 101)
This means the figure 8 knot complement is located in the Riley slice at λ = -σ/2 =
0.25 + √3 i / 4.
(Koehler (2020))
What we end up with, however, is two pyramids which join at face "E" to form an octahedron:
The faces with labels near vertices 3 and 6 are "behind" the octahedron; the others are in front.
Since the link of each vertex is a square, the old rules and relationships concerning zi no longer hold.
The rules for constructing the cusp neighborhoods are always good, however.
Because the vertices lie on the S2 at ∞, they are all ideal, so all the vertex invariants are equal to eiπ/2.
But we proceed as before.
Comparing faces we find that
Note that we have 2 pyramids, 5 faces and 3 edges.
The gluing conditions are:
The cusp neighborhoods (one for each component of the link) are:
The holonomies for the first cusp are (following the arrows, as before,
starting with a vector pointing up and a vector pointing to the left, respectively)
For the second cusp they are (from top to bottom and right to left)
The (already known) solution zi = wi = eiπ/2 satisfies all of these relationships.
Here are the SnapPy horospheres for the Whitehead link, overlaid with its limit set:
The limit set was generated by
On the octahedron drawing, faces A, D, G and H are "behind" the octahedron, and faces B, C, E and F are in front.
The back side of the rings looks like this:
Note that all of the edges have been changed; this was done to avoid a trivial identification
between the two octahedra. The important thing is that each face must have the same edge types adjacent in back as in front.
Faces A, D, G and H are "behind" the octahedron, and faces B, C, E and F are in front.
So we have 2 octahedra, 8 faces and 6 edges.
The link of each vertex is once again a square.
In order to assign vertex invariants, it helps to unfold the octahedra:
The gluing conditions are:
From the cusp neighborhoods, we see that
For the second cusp they are (from top to bottom and right to left)
For the third cusp they are (again, from top to bottom and right to left)
As we expected, because each vertex is ideal and has a square link, the solution is again zi = wi =
One of the reasons I find this stuff so fascinating is that it forces me to widen my range of options into ideas which to me
seem unintuitive. For instance, it seemed logical to me that vertices could only be identified if they connected the same edge types.
I also expected that the face assignments for the front and back should mirror each other. I knew that face assignments to tetrahedra
were fair game as long as the edges matched, but I had naively assumed that when Thurston said that the zi
should cyclical, he meant the tetrahedra as well as the cusp neighborhood.
Note that in each diagram, the arrows (edges) with an asterisk at their base must all be the same color;
Below on the left, we have two planar graphs consisting each of two triangles (B and C) and two quadrilaterals (A and D).
These do not a polyhedron make.
which can be decomposed into three tetrahedra (note that the edge 3-4 creates faces 1-3-4, which is face D, 3-4-7, which is face E
and 3-4-5, which is face F; 4-5-7 was color matched to face A, since we already had two D faces):
We renumber the vertices in preparation for determining the cusp neighborhood, and add vertex invariants:
The gluing conditions are then:
The holonomies are (following the arrows, as before,
starting with a vector pointing up and a vector pointing to the left, respectively)
The solution is
Using the Law of Sines (for a Euclidean triangle, if a, b and c are the lengths of the sides and α, β and γ
are the opposite angles, a / Sin(α) = b / Sin(β) = c / Sin(γ)), we find that
This gives, for the ratio of the lengths of the longitude to the meridian,
We know that we will have (eventually) 4 tetrahedra and 4 edges because we have 2 triangular faces and 2 pentagonal faces, and
each of the latter will be divided into 3 triangular faces by 2 additional edges each, giving 8 faces.
Comparing faces, we see that
We have identified 5 edge classes, where all the members in a class must have the same type (color). In addition, there
are 4 new edges which will be introduced when we triangulate the pentagons, each of which may have a different color.
With 4 allowable edge types, there are then 49 = 262,144 possible color assignments. Since actual color is not
important, this number overcounts the number of different edge assignments by a factor of 4! = 24. However, when programming this
problem it is far easier to simply try them all and sort it out afterwards.
There are 15 ways to triangulate the two pentagons:
If we demand that at least one front-side polygon be identified with
one back-side polygon, but allow any arrangement of vertex identifications, there are 320 possible outcomes of the
Finally, one must assign vertex invariants for each tetrahedron in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise direction.
For 4 tetrahedra, there are 16 possible ways to do this (all clockwise, one counterclockwise, two counterclockwise, three counterclockwise
or all counterclockwise: 1+4+6+4+1 = 16). This gives a total of 19,000,197,120 possibilities.
Most of the possibilities will not be useful; in order to form a cusp neighborhood,
Note that this does not guarantee a complete cusp neighborhood; there can still be inconsistent overlap of
adjacent hubs.
Guided by the examples above,
I selected program options so that adjacent vertices in any hub must be from different tetrahedra.
After about 74 minutes on a 3 GHz Intel CPU,
it produced 16 unique sets of tetrahedra,
with edge multiplicities ranging from 3 to 12, and face multiplicities ranging from 2 to 4.
Focusing on triangulations with 8 unique faces, I found the following:
with this set of tetrahedra (drawn now by a Mathematica program; all vertex invariants follow the pattern in 1-2-3-4):
Another Mathematica program produced the following hub graphs:
from which this cusp neighborhood was constructed:
The gluing relations and the usual longitudinal and meridianal holonomies produced the following consistency equations:
(0.352201 + 1.72143 i) matches m036 (again using the acute angle).
and this set of tetrahedra (as above):
which yielded the hub graphs:
from which this cusp neighborhood was constructed:
The gluing relations and the usual longitudinal and meridianal holonomies produced the following consistency equations:
which yields a volume of 3.17729 and a Chern-Simons invariant (below) of 0.28427
(equivalent to -0.21573). The geometrically precise
cusp neighborhood is
The cusp shape is 0.352201 + 1.72143i so this also seems to be census manifold m036.
and this set of tetrahedra (as above; original vertices were 1-2-3-5, 1-3-4-5, 2-3-5-6 and 2-5-6-9):
which yielded the hub graphs:
from which this cusp neighborhood was constructed:
The gluing relations and the usual longitudinal and meridianal holonomies produced the following consistency equations:
which yields a volume of 2.82812 - the volume of the 5_2 knot complement! Also the volume of the (-2,3,7) pretzel knot
complement. But as its Chern-Simons invariant is 0.236537, in fact it seems to be the (-1,2) Dehn fill of census manifold m206.
Once one has computed the vertex invariants, it is a simple matter of adding up all the interior angles around the perimeter
to determine if the corresponding manifold is open or closed (does or does not have a cusp). In this case, the sum is 1440 degrees,
corresponding to a 10-sided polygon:
and this set of tetrahedra (as above; original vertices were 1-2-3-5, 1-2-5-6, 1-3-4-5 and 3-4-5-8):
which yielded the hub graphs:
from which this cusp neighborhood was constructed:
The gluing relations and the usual longitudinal and meridianal holonomies produced the following consistency equations:
which is again m036, with y and z interchanged.
All of the remaining unique triangulations with 8 color-distinct faces were closed or degenerate (the solutions to the gluing and holonomy
conditions were real).
I then modified the program to try all possible identifications of one or two of the individual triangles shown in the
set of 15 above (adding a third identification found no additional vertex mappings). This increased the number of vertex identification rules to 12,316, and the total number of triangulation
attempts to 48,428,482,560. This version found 49 more distinct triangulations. All had positive cyclic orientation of the vertex invariants (as above),
and the ones I examined had 8 distinct face types. Unfortunately, all were either closed or degenerate.
One, however, is worth comment as a cautionary tale.
(In this welded hub image, vertices connected
by light gray lines or curves are identified.)
First, primarily for the programming exercise, I ran the program to look for 4 identifications of triangles (which found no more vertex mapping
rules), and then 5 identifications. That last is a bear; running 24x7 on a water-cooled 24-processor i9-12900K for about a half a year got through somewhat less than half of the possible mappings. Some new mappings were found, but none seemed productive.
So what do you do while waiting for a year-long, basically brute-force, computation to finish? You go back and re-read some of the texts
that you only partially understood the first time, hoping to pick up on something that will lead to a more analytical solution to the problem.
And lo and behold, I found it. While working through Thurston's notes, I found in section 3.4, during his
discussion of the Borromean Rings, the mention of a gear-like rotation of polygons yielding the correct face-matching. After working
through his example closely, I realized there was something that I had never really understood: that there is a method to face-matching
where before I had only seen a "trial and error" approach. The only other reference in which I found mention of this was
Purcell, exercise 1.5. This method appears to work only for alternating knots. So far, all the knot complements I
had worked on were from alternating knots (the figure 8 knot, the Whitehead link complement,
the Borromean rings complement and the the 5_2 knot complement). So I re-did them all with
gear-motions, and was successful every time (with some slight but easily-corrected missteps along the way). This work will appear in
my next (and probably last) monograph.
So I started afresh with 6_1. The first thing to do was add the edges so that every edge pair leads from an overpass to the
corresponding underpasses:
As you can see, this restricts us to only two edge colors at this stage (so that the bigons can all be collapsed).
Note the gray background to face "C"; after collapsing the bigons, we have
and we see that face "C" is surrounded by faces "A", "B" and "D". When setting up for gear rotation, one shades the faces like a
checkerboard, so that any two adjacent faces are shaded differently. For the 6_1 knot, the above shading is the only one in which
a shaded face ("C") is adjacent to all unshaded faces (if we shaded any of the others, we would have two shaded faces adjacent).
Rotating the edges of the shaded faces clockwise, and those of the unshaded faces counterclockwise yields the gear-like rotation:
The clockwise rotation of face "C" moves the red edge between vertices 3 and 4 (top left) to the red edge between vertices 8 and 9
(bottom left). Similarly the counterclockwise rotations of the remaining faces. In numbering the vertices on the back side of the knot
(bottom left), I simply added 6 to every corresponding vertex on the top side (top left) and identified corresponding vertices
of the pentagon "D".
The triangulation of the two pentagons is still a bit of trial and error. This process was aided by a Mathematica program I wrote
which identifies groups of 4 unique tetrahedra, given a set of edge colorings. Since we know that 6_1 is built of 4 tetrahedra,
we expect 8 faces and 4 edge colorings. After trying all possible triangulations and colorings of the two pentagons, it found
groups of tetrahedra with face-type frequencies of {2,2,4,4,4} and {2,2,4,4,2,2}. Choosing to start with the latter because it
had more unique face pairs, and taking a hunch that a blue and a green edge would triangulate each pentagon, I tried the edge assignments
on the right (above) and obtained the tetrahedra
Renumbering the vertices and adding vertex invariant assignments gives
The anticyclic vertex assignments on the right-most tetrahedron was necessary in able to complete a consistent cusp neighborhood
in which every triangle has cyclic vertex invariants:
The shading shows my first attempt at building a complete cusp neighborhood. In the following, that was redrawn within a rectangle
in order to compute holonomies:
The gluing relations and holonomy equations are
(curved lines denote angles, bold straight lines denote angles of 180 degrees)
whose geometrically correct neighborhood (within the bounds of my artistic ability) is
I used the first set of solutions to draw this figure, which yielded holonomy equations consistent with that solution:
These solutions give a volume of 3.16396 and a Chern-Simons invariant of 0.155977, both matching the 6_1 knot complement.
Using the Law of Sines:
I found that the ratio of the lengths of the longitude to the meridian ((f + e) / (a + l)) was 1.55603. Using the acute angle
(86.1353 degrees),
I computed a cusp shape of 0.205659 + 0.0281599 i.
I was less than happy to find that SnapPy gives a value of -0.17326172174 + 2.56479863223 i. Knowing now that choice of basis
can vary greatly, I found the magnitude of SnapPy's shape was 2.57064. Using my acute angle yielded a cusp shape of
0.339759 + 0.0465217 i. Still not happy. But dividing that last shape by my shape yielded the real number 1.65205,
which I take as a confirmation that our cusp shapes are different only in choice of basis.
(bundle structure Anderson, p. 185)
S3, E3, SL(2,R)~, Nil and Sol are unimodular Lie groups.
(Scott, p. 464, 468, 470, 478)
Every closed Euclidean 3-manifold is the quotient of T2 ⊗ R by the action of a discrete group Γ:
(Thurston, pp. 159, 233-238)
All 10 closed Euclidean 3-manifolds are finitely covered by the 3-torus. (Scott, p. 448)
Every elliptic 3-manifold is either a lens space, or the quotient of RP3 by one of the following groups:
(Thurston, pp. 243, 250)
3-manifolds with geometries E3, H2 ⊗ R or S2 ⊗ R are, up to finite covers, trivial circle
bundles over oriented surfaces of genus g, with g = 1, g > 1 or g = 0, respectively.
3-manifolds with geometries S3, SL(2,R)~ or Nil are, up to finite covers, nontrivial circle
bundles over oriented surfaces of genus g, with g = 0, g > 1 or g = 1, respectively.
(Thurston, pp. 281, 283)
Every noncompact hyperbolic 3-manifold of finite volume can be decomposed into a finite number of ideal hyperbolic tetrahedra. (Callahan et al., p. 321)
The toral cross-section of a cusp can be seen as the open tubular neighborhood of the link components strung along the edges of an ideal
tetrahedron. (Weeks)
The link of a cusp (topologically a torus or a Klein bottle) is triangulated by the links of the vertices with appropriate identification.
If the first homotopy group is generated by {xi} and the product of the vertex invariants along each x is Zi, the holonomy
along a path aixi is Ziai (implicit summation). If the manifold is complete, the
holonomy is trivial.
(Ratcliffe, section 10.5)
(p,q)-Dehn surgery is a Dehn filling where the meridian wraps p times around the meridian and q times around the longitude
(p and q relatively prime, q ≠ 0).
Every 3-manifold can be obtained from Dehn filling of a finite-degree covering space of the Borromean Rings: they are a
universal link.
are also universal. In fact, every rational knot or link which is atoroidal is universal.
(Hilden 2, p. 5)
A rational knot or link is defined as follows.
Any rational number can be expressed as a continued fraction:
A rational knot (or 2-bridge knot) is formed by alternating horizontal and vertical twists of
ai crossings. Its canonical cusp neighborhood will have hubs of valance 2(ai+2).
(Sakuma and Weeks, section II.2) (Purcell, section 10.1)
The limit of the J(2,n) knot complements as n→∞ is the Whitehead link complement:
As n→∞, n-twist regions produce complements converging to a link with an unknot circling the former twist region.
(Purcell, p. 10)
Oddly, the limit of the double-cusp groups (1,n) as n→∞ is also related to the Whitehead link complement.
(Mumford et. al.,
p. 345)
The J(p,q) twisted knot complements can be obtained by Dehn-filling one of the Borromean ring sisters.
(Purcell, p. 132)
π1(knot complement) = Z iff the knot is trivial.
(Thurston Notes, p. 2)
For the figure 8 knot complement,
the generator of translations in the meridianal direction is (from the link diagram above)
where z = z1 is the vertex invariant of the first tetrahedron and w = w1 of the second.
(Ratcliffe, p. 497)
Consider the (1,2) Dehn twist of the figure 8 knot complement. We find z and w by requiring both that the original
gluing condition be satisfied and that the product of one meridian traversal and two longitude traversals
gives the identity:
There are 16 solutions to these equations; only one satisfies the Dehn surgery gluing conditions and
produces zi and wi in the interval (0,π):
(arg values in degrees)
Traversal of a meridian results in the length of a vector increasing by a factor of
|w1 (1 - z1)| = 2.07978 and a rotation of arg(w1 (1 - z1)) =
3.20887 degrees counterclockwise; traversal of a longitude results in the length of a vector
decreasing by a factor of |z12 (1 - z1)2| = 0.693412
and a rotation of arg(z12 (1 - z1)2) = 178.396 degrees:
Each "twisted quadrilateral" is a slice of the Dehn-filled cusp, with meridian
and longitude edge labeling indicating traversal along two longitudes
(red to green and green to blue) and one meridian (blue back to red). Since
the manifold is now complete and compact, the red and blue quadrilaterals share
a meridian edge (M0): traversal along one meridian and two longitudes brings you back
to where you started. (See Weeks.)
The volume of an ideal tetrahedron with dihedral angles α, β and γ (in radians) is Π(α)+Π(β)+Π(γ).
(Thurston Notes, pp. 160, 167-169)
The volume of the (1,2) Dehn-filled figure 8 complement is
The volume of the Borromean Rings complement is twice that of the Whitehead link complement because it is made from two octahedra.
(Thurston Notes, p. 165)
The volume of the 5_2 knot complement is 2.82812208833076.
Here are the volumes produced by
(p,q) surgery on the figure 8 knot complement for p,q ≤ 20. Note that for (p,q) = (1,1), (2,1), (3,1) and (4,1), the resulting manifolds are not hyperbolic.
The minimum volume (0.981369) is for the (5,1) surgery; the maximum volume shown (2.02326) is for (19,20) surgery; the limiting volume is 2.02988.
The interior of every compact irreducible atoroidal 3-manifold with boundary is hyperbolic.
(Marden, section 6.3)
It is topologically T2 ⊗ [0,∞), has finite surface area (2π) and (interior) volume (π/3), and constant negative curvature; the hyperbolic radian is taken to be unit distance. Note that the surface is not extensible at the t=0 end; the tangent
with respect to t is infinite there.
The limit surface of the bounding torus is a horosphere (isometric to R2).
For a nonorientable cusp, substitute a Klein bottle for the T2. (Ratcliffe, p. 445)
The first integral betti number of a hyperbolic 3-manifold with cusps must be ≥ the number of cusps. (Callahan et al., p. 329)
Topological invariants of a cusped manifold include:
The homological cusp shape of a knot complement M can be heuristically computed from a potential function V for some knots.
Consider three of the knots we analyzed above:
The Chern-Simons invariant is defined modulo 1/2 for orientable manifolds. It changes sign with a change in
orientation, so if there is an orientation reversing homomorphism of the manifold, the Chern-Simons
invariant must be 0 or 1/4 mod 1/2. It is an obstruction to conformal immersion of the manifold in Euclidean space.
(Callahan et al., p. 329) (Coulson et. al., p.138)
Given a triangulation of a manifold into tetrahedra with vertex invariants {x,y...}i, gluing conditions gi and
holonomy conditions hi, first substitute (for each x, y, ...)
If (α,β) Dehn filling has been performed, cs(M) has an additional term
(Neumann, sections 2, 3, 14 and 15) (Coulson et. al., section 5A)
Λ(G) of a Kleinian group in H3 is on the sphere at ∞, and the
regular set is tiled by solids whose vertices meet Λ(G) at ∞ (the surface
tiles we discussed above are the faces of the solid tiles where they
meet the sphere at ∞). If the solid tiles of a Kleinian group only touch the
sphere at ∞ at ideal vertices, Λ(G) is the entire sphere. The figure 8 knot
complement is an example of such a group; the solid tiles have infinitely many sides.
(Mumford et. al., ch. 12)
If G has N generators, Σ gi ≤ N. If G is purely loxodromic, ∂M(G) has ≤ N/2 components.
Every closed geodesic in M(G) is the projection of a loxodromic axis (connecting the
fixed points of the loxodromic element) which is independent of any elliptic elements of G.
The fixed point of a parabolic map is on the sphere at ∞. There are an infinite number of
tangent to the fixed point which are left invariant by the map.
A horoball is the union of a horosphere with its interior.
The process of Dehn-filling a cusp of a finite-volume hyperbolic manifold described above
follows the removal of the interior of a solid cusp torus. The removal gives M a torus
boundary component but does not change π1(M).
Think of the construction of the figure 8 knot complement; the removal of the vertex (necessary
to make the object a manifold) removes the core curve of the torus, making it a solid cusp torus.
The knot (in general, link) is the removed axis of the solid cusp torus (in general, tori).
A solid pairing tube is a finite cylinder with its axis removed,
joining small discs around two punctures associated with a rank one cusp. (Think of a pairing
tube as a "pinch" joining two ε-thick parts of M, with the pinch
stretched out slightly so that each puncture is on one thick part.)
M is geometrically finite iff it is compact except for a
finite number of cusps, and any
rank 1 cusps correspond to pairs of punctures, each determining a solid pairing tube.
If the volume of M is finite, Λ(G) is S2, ∂M is empty, there are no rank 1 cusps and at
most a finite number of rank 2 cusps.
(Series, p. 1, 2, 5, 7)
(Marden, sections 2.2, 2.3, 3.1 - 3.4, 3.6, problem 3.20, 4.9, 4.10)
The projection of a measured lamination Λ to R = H2 / G
is a set of simple closed geodesics. The space formed by projecting out scalar multiplication
is homeomorphic to S6g+2n-7 (for n punctures). That projective space is the boundary
of the Teichmuller space of R; the resulting closure is homeomorphic to B6g+2n-6.
(Marden, sections 3.9, 5.11)
The quotient of the convex hull by G is called the convex core of M(G). It is
a subset of the interior of M. Every closed geodesic in M(G) lies in the convex core
(the convex core is the smallest convex set containing all closed geodesics of M(G)).
(Marden, section 3.11)
The relative compact core Crel is defined similarly to
the compact core, but has additional boundary components: a closed incompressible annulus
which intersects each solid cusp cylinder, and the (also incompressible) cusp tori.
And end of M(G) (or Mnc) is geometrically finite
if it has a neighborhood which does not intersect the convex core of M(G). Otherwise, it is
geometrically infinite, and the convex core extends into the end.
(Marden, section 5.5)
If G is nonelementary and M(G) has infinite volume,
where λ0 is the lowest eigenvalue of the hyperbolic Laplace-Beltrami operator
on M(G) and d is the Hausdorff dimension of Λ(G) of G.
(Marden, section 5.15)
The crossing number of a knot is the minimum number of crossings for all planar projections of the knot. It is an isotopy invariant.
For a projection of an oriented link, the writhe is the sum of the crossing numbers for all crossings. It is not an isotopy invariant.
A knot which can be separated into nontrivial sub-knots, each of which can be enclosed in a sphere intersected by only two arcs, is composite
(denoted as K1 # K2). If such a decomposition is not possible, the knot is prime.
A knot formed by rotation or inversion of a tangle is a mutant.
An alternating knot is a knot whose crossing signs alternate as the knot is traversed in a given direction.
A knot which can be invertibly mapped to the surface of a torus is a torus knot.
A (p,q)-torus knot wraps around the meridian p times and around the longitude q times. A (9,2) torus knot:
If a knot is embedded in an unknotted solid torus, and that solid torus is then knotted, the resultant embedded knot is a satellite knot.
(Adams, pp. 2-3, 8-9, 15, 19, 41, 49, 108, 115, 152) (Lickorish, p. 6)
The crossing number for a (p,q)-torus knot is min (p (q - 1), q (p - 1)). (Adams, pp. 110-111)
There are similar expansions for Lissajous knots and the knots 31, 41, 51 and 819.
(Kauffman (Fourier), p. 366)
(Trautwein, pp. 355-356, 359, 361)
PL for an arbitrary link is constructed recursively from polynomials for simpler links.
PL is an isotopy invariant. (Lickorish, p. 168)
PL1 # L2 = PL1 PL2
PL is unchanged by mutation of L.
PL is invariant under reversal of orientation of all components.
(Lickorish, p. 179, 180)
The Alexander polynomial ΔL (t) = PL (i, i (t1/2 - t-1/2).
(Lickorish, p. 180)
F(a,z) is an isotopy invariant independent of P(l,m). (Lickorish, p. 174)
FL1 # L2 = FL1 FL2
FL is unchanged by mutation of L.
FL is invariant under reversal of orientation of all components. (Lickorish, p. 179, 180)
©2022, Kenneth R. Koehler. All Rights Reserved. This document may be freely reproduced provided that this copyright notice is included.
Please send comments or suggestions to the author.
SO(4) is isomorphic to (S3 ⊗ S3) / C2
(Thurston, pp. 64,107)
An inversion smoothly exchanges the interior with the exterior, keeping the sphere fixed. Inversions
are conformal: they preserve angles. They also preserve orientation.
These transformations form the Moebius group. The group of Euclidean isometries is a sub-group of the Moebius group. (Ratcliffe, p. 111)
On Surfaces
Alternatively, a disc D embedded in M whose boundary is embedded in S is a compression disc
for S if the boundary of D does not bound a disc in S. If such a disc exists, S is compressible.
(Purcell, p. 150)
The latter rules out a disc which "slices" a piece off the "end" of a solid torus.
A compression disc is essential.
(Marden, section 3.7)
Every non-orientable surface of even genus bounds a compact 3-manifold.
(Hirsch, p. 193, 194)
2π/k (2 - 2g - n - Σ (1 - 1/ri))
(k = 1 for S2 / G, -1 for H2 / G) (Marden, section 3.14)
After identifying the single-hashed sides of the hexgonal torus, the resultant "penne" must be
twisted 180 degrees before the other sides will match up. (Thurston, p. 5)
Omit the singly-hashed identification on the Klein
bottle to make a Moebius strip.
(Henle, p. 106, 111, 112)
If you want to construct these, use a large piece of cloth and safety pins. Make each identified edge pair a noticeably different length, and pin them in the
order of longest to shortest. It helps to use an additional set of pins for the identified vertices to keep them organized as you pin.
Since the boundary of a Moebius strip is S1, we can remove a B2 from an S2 and glue in a Moebius strip
to obtain RP2. Do it twice to obtain a Klein bottle. This operation is termed adding a cross-cap.
A sphere with g cross-caps has χ = 2 - g.
(Edelbrunner and Harer, p. 34, 36)
a b a-1 b-1 c d c-1 d-1
(Another construction identifies parallel sides; this can also be done with a decagon to produce a genus-2 torus.)
a1 b1 a1-1 b1-1 ...
ag bg ag-1 bg-1
will produce a genus-g torus. There are many identifications which will produce the same handlebody.
In most cases twists (as in the hexagonal torus) will be required
a1 a1 ...
ag ag
will produce a non-orientable genus-g surface. All non-orientable surfaces can be obtained this way.
Any two non-orientable closed surfaces with the same χ are homeomorphic.
(Gray, p. 46 (1))
(Henle, p. 167 (2), 193 (3), 295 (4))
(Hu, p. 28 (5))
surface b1 b2 χ π1 E2 0 1 2 0 H2 0 1 2 0 annulus 1 1 0 Z cylinder 1 1 0 Z disc 0 1 1 0 S2 0 1 2 (4) 0 T2 2 1 0 (2) Z ⊗ Z Riemann surface genus g 2 g 1 2 - 2 g (4)
Z 2g |
aba-1b-1cdc-1d-1... = 1 (Bott and Tu, p. 240) Moebius strip 1 0 0 Z Klein bottle 2 (3) 1 (3) 0 (2) Z ⊗ Z |
abab-1 = 1 RP2 0 0 1 (2) Z2 connected sum of n RP2 n - 1 0 2 - n
(4) Zn | aabbcc... = 1 (1) non-orientable surface genus g g - 1 (5) 0 (5) 2 - g
The group of conformal automorphisms of a Riemann surface is discrete IFF π1 is nonabelian.
For g ≥ 2, it has at most 84(g-1) elements.
A Riemann surface admits a positive-definite metric of the form ds2 = E du2 + 2 F du dv + G dv2. Such a metric has area element √ (E G - F2) du ∧ dv.
χ = #vertices - #edges + #faces
A closed surface has hyperbolic, Euclidean or spherical (elliptical) structure iff its Euler characteristic is negative, zero or positive,
This holds for surfaces in general, except that surfaces homeomorphic to R2, S1 ⊗ R or the
Moebius strip can be given both Euclidean and hyperbolic structures. (Thurston, p. 28, 118)
Note that RP2 is equal to a Moebius strip glued to a disc.
The Euler characteristic of the union of two surfaces is equal to the sum of their Euler characteristics minus the Euler characteristic
of their intersection.
χ = 2 - 2g - c - d
f(z) = (a z +b) / (c z + d),
where a, b, c and d are complex numbers subject to a d ≠ b c (the usual normalization is a d - b c = 1,
which makes the group isomorphic to PSL(2,C)).
These are the most general functions on E2 which map circles to circles.
f(z) is often represented as a matrix:
Conjugation can be used to effect a coordinate transformation on an
iterated Moebius map {z, f(z), f2(z),...}.
(also denoted ((a,b),(c,d))). If the trace of f(z) (Tr(f) = a+d) is
a b c d
A parabolic map has a single fixed point; a loxodromic, hyperbolic or elliptic map
has two fixed points.
Some convenient trace identities are:
The set of all points in E2 that can be reached by iteration of the maps in a Moebius sub-group G is called the regular set (Ω(G)) of the group. It has either one, two, or infinitely many connected components, each of which is either simply connected or contractible (to a point).
Considering the quotient space obtained by Ω(G) / G.
In the latter case it is a closed set, whose components are either topologically circles, fractal sets,
or totally disconnected (every component is a point). (Marden, sections 2.4.1, 2.8)
(Series, p. 8)
It turns out that if G has no elliptic elements, the quotient space is the boundary of a hyperbolic
3-manifold M = H3 / G, where π1(M) = G and ∂M ≡
Ω(G) / G.
If G contains elliptic elements, M is an orbifold. Unless specified below,
we will assume G contains no elliptic elements.
Restricting ourselves to 2-generator groups, generators a and b with inverses A and B, respectively:
The limit set passes through the
points of tangency, which are fixed by cyclic permutations of abAB,
and the group is called a quasifuchsian group.
If the curve is a circle (as above) the group is Fuchsian
and the traces of all the group elements are real.
Λ(G) of such a group (with Tr(abAB) = -2) is a closed
curve: a quasicircle, which separates Ω(G)
into two disjoint regions; one is tiled by the ideal quadralateral "1", the other
is tiled by the ideal quadralateral "2":
The images here and below are the results of randomly iterating nontrivial products of
a, b, A and B,
up to 200 factors each, on the fixed points of a, b, A, B, abAB, AbaB, BabA and ABab,
for a reasonably large number of iterations on each fixed point.
Using the Riley parameter λ, we have a = ((1,2),(0,1)) and b = ((1,0),(λ,1)).
Tr(ab) is 2(1+λ) and Tr(abAB) is 2(1+2λ2). The Riley slice is the
corresponding 1-complex-dimensional slice of Teichmuller space for groups of two generators. The only point of contact
with the Maskit slice (below) is the point λ=i, corresponding to the (0,1) gasket (μ=-2i).
For each additional independent parabolic element (besides abAB), one half of the regular
set closes up into a set of tangent discs:
When constructing the quotient space ∂M, all of the gray discs are identified,
and the white discs will similarly be identified
(the gray region outside the limit set is a disc after adding in the point at ∞).
NB: The map maps circles, not discs; here we have colored them in to facilitate identification.
The circles are also iteratively mapped, so not all circles which should be gray are
necessarily colored in.
Here, only one side of Ω(G) has closed up into a set of tangent discs; the part
of ∂M corresponding to them is a triply-punctured sphere. The
other side is simply connected, and its portion of ∂M is the once-punctured torus:
It is instructive to look at the discrete groups associated with the first few values of p and q. There are only 9 independent
ones for p or q ≤ 5 because translations of μ by ±2k (k ∈ Z)
are equivalent; also, the negative of the complex conjugate of μ yields
the same limit set, but reflected in the imaginary axis.
For each limit set below, the associated parabolic word is in parentheses:
rank 2 with 2 parabolic → genus 2 with 2 elements of π1 pinched → 1 once-punctured torus plus 1 thrice-punctured sphere
G is a single-cusp group.
{1, 6, 4, 2, 7, 5, 3, 1}
and the corresponding group word is aaaBaaB.
This is simply an arithmetic prescription
for a consistent winding of q a's and p B's around the torus.
-i (μ5 - 4μ4 + 9μ3 - 12μ2 +
9μ - 4),
which must be ±2, from which we can obtain μ.
w(p+q),(r+s) = wp,qwr,s.
So, for example, w-1,2 = w-1,1w0,1 = aba.
(This construction works for positive p and q as well.)
p,q and -p,-q will produce the same word.
0,1 (a)
0,3 (aaa)
0,4 (aaaa) 0,5 (aaaaa)
1,2 (aaB)
1,3 (aaaB) 1,4 (aaaaB)
1,5 (aaaaaB)
2,5 (aaaBaaB)
±1,1 and ±2,1 and ±3,1 and ±4,1 and ±5,1
are translations of 0,1 (0,2 is the same as 0,1);
-5,2 and -3,2 and -1,2 and 1,2 and 3,2 and 5,2 are equivalent under translation;
-5,3 and -2,3 and 1,3 and 4,3 are equivalent under translation;
-4,3 and -1,3 and 2,3 and 5,3 are equivalent to 1,3 under reflection (and translation);
-3,4 and 1,4 and 5,4 are equivalent under translation;
-5,4 and -1,4 and 3,4 are equivalent to 1,4 under reflection (and translation);
-4,5 and 1,5 are equivalent under translation;
-1,5 and 4,5 are equivalent to 1,5 under reflection (and translation);
-3,5 and 2,5 are equivalent under translation; and
-2,5 and 3,5 are equivalent to 2,5 under reflection (and translation).
Note that 0,3 and 0,4 and 0,5 are non-free; in each case the associated parabolic word is -I (where I is the identity matrix).
The limit sets do not bound discs; they are fractal dust. The same holds true (up to sign) for all 0,q for q > 2.
ι = | ps = qr |
is the number of times α crosses β on the quotient surface.
(Marden, problem 2.6)
On the left, μ = 0.7056734968-1.6168866453i; on the right,
a = ((1,0),(1,1)) and b = ((1,ei π/3),(0,1)) , corresponding to the figure 8 knot
complement (below).
In both cases, Λ(G) is incomplete; on the left, given infinite time the program
would completely fill in the white region outside the gray circles (which constitute,
with the exterior region, the non-degenerate part of Ω(G)); on the
right, given infinite time the program would fill the entire complex plane
(the voids are near parabolic fixed points which correspond to infinite word lengths).
The limit set of a doubly degenerate discrete group is the entire sphere at ∞.
This is also true for closed hyperbolic manifolds. (Thurston, p. 172)
The irrational slope of the winding is the ending lamination for the
associated cusp. (Marden, problem 2.6)
a = ((1 + 2i, 4), (1, 1 - 2i)),
a and b have trace 2, and c, aB and cbCB have trace -2.
This group corresponds to Mumford et. al., figure 11.6; the limit set
is conjugate to their figure 11.7:
b = ((1 + 1.5i, 1), (2.25, 1 - 1.5i)) and
c = ((-13 - 4i, 8i), (-12 + 16i, 11 + 4i)).
rank 3 with 6 parabolic → genus 3 with 6 elements of π1 pinched → 4 thrice-punctured spheres
The Teichmuller space restricts the diffeomorphisms to those homotopic to the identity by a homotopy which takes the boundary
into itself at all times (Diff0).
The mapping class group is Diff S / Diff0 S. Therefore the moduli space is the quotient of the Teichmuller space by the
mapping class group.
The maximum number of disjoint, non-parallel simple closed curves on a hyperbolic surface is 3g - 3. Cutting the surface along the
corresponding geodesics divides the surface into 2g - 2 surfaces homeomorphic to S2 - 3 B2 (pairs of pants).
The Teichmuller space of the original surface corresponds to the degrees of freedom defining the lengths of the boundary components
of the pants, along with the number of twists with which the pants are glued back together.
The mapping class group of a closed surface is isomorphic to the outer automorphism group of its fundamental group.
For groups of two generators, the quotient space has χ = -2, so the Teichmuller space is 6-dimensional.
We can parameterize it by the complex traces Tr(a), Tr(b) and Tr(ab).
The region outside the unit circle in these plots should be gray, but we have left it white to better show how the limit set "bleeds"
out of the unit circle.
As Im(μ) decreases (right), the first seven frames correspond to single-cusp groups: their topology is a triply-punctured sphere (gray discs) plus
a (simply-connected) once-punctured torus (white region). As the torus "closes up" (the last remaining loop of π1
becomes "tighter"), the group approaches a double-cusp group.
The eighth frame is the (1,2) gasket, and the last three
frames are non-discrete.
The latter show an increasing "overlap" in the limit sets, but with sufficient time, the limit set will fill all three frames.
The outer automorphism group is the conjugacy class under diffeomorphisms of maps of π1 into itself.
(Thurston, p. 260, 262, 264, 266, 271, 276, Thurston Notes, pp. 89-91)
On 3-manifolds
χ = #vertices - (2 #edges - 3 #faces + 4 #tetrahedra) / 2
is zero. So χ = 0 for any closed 3-manifold.
If X is a 3-space and it has k vertices vk,
When identifying faces of polyhedra, the total number of faces must be even, and every identification
must be orientation-reversing between pairs of faces. This produces an oriented manifold
except near the vertices, which must be removed in order for the identification to produce a manifold.
(Thurston Notes, p. 3)
χ(X) = k - ½ Σ χ(link(vk))
(Thurston, p. 122)
Sphere / Prime Decomposition - every orientable closed 3-manifold has a finite connected sum decomposition into prime manifolds.
(Borisenko, p. 8)
A (p,q)-lens space is generated by Γ = ((e2πi/p,0),(0,e2πiq/p)). Two lens spaces with indices (p,q) and (p',q')
are homeomorphic iff p=p' and either q=±q'(mod p) or qq' = ±1(mod p). (Ratcliffe, p. 342)
A Seifert fibration is a 3-manifold fibered by circles which are the orbits of a circle action which is free except on at
most finitely many fibers.
(Borisenko, p. 6, 10)Examples
The shaded areas are the bigons, which we now consider collapsed.
(Any 3-manifold with toroidal boundary will have an equal number of edges and tetrahedra in its triangulation. (Purcell,
p. 79))
The vertex invariant of a vertex of a Euclidean triangle in the complex plane is the ratio of the adjacent sides.
Labeling the vertices clockwise,
These are equivalent to
w (w - 1) z (z - 1) ≡ 1.
When these conditions are met, the link of the vertex is Euclidean and the manifold is (almost) complete.
By considering the neighborhood of the removed vertex, we see that the boundary is a torus (the
grayed area is a fundamental domain for the torus):
Let's take note of the fact that in the cusp neighborhood diagram, vertices now are faces, edges are now vertices (hubs), and faces
are now edges. The hub valences will dictate much of the topology of the neighborhood.
= z12 / w12 (after multiplying by
z12z22z32 / w12w22w32 ≡ 1), and (for a meridianal vector pointing left along the blue arrow)
z (1 - z) ≡ 1
Since we require solutions such that Im(z) > 0 (Im(w) > 0) (all dihedral angles positive
and ≤ π), z = (-1)1/3 = eiπ/3 (the dihedral angles are all equal to π/3).
Notes that this solution also satisfies the completeness conditions. We could have also seen this from the fact that the tetrahedra are ideal,
and all ideal vertices have Euclidean links.
Remember that the vertices 1 through 8 are identified, and that vertex is ideal, and so lies on the sphere at ∞.
Tangent to that vertex is a family of Euclidean spheres called horospheres. They form the neighborhood of the cusp
at the ideal vertex. All geodesics ending at the vertex are normal to the horospheres.
Since the vertex neighborhood (the cusp torus) is Euclidean, the ratio of the lengths of the longitude
to the meridian is
simply 4. The acute angle is 60 degrees, so the homological cusp shape is
4 eπ i / 3 = 2 + 3.464102 i.
(Adams et. al.)
a(z) = z / (z + 1),
and G is doubly degenerate.
(Marden, section 3.14)
(a = ((1,0),(1,1)) and is therefore parabolic.)
b(z) = z + ei π/3,
(b = ((1,ei π/3),(0,1)) and is also parabolic.)
The cusp neighborhoods (one for each ring) are:
The holonomies for the first cusp are (following the arrows, as before,
starting with a vector pointing up and a vector pointing to the left, respectively)z32 z42 w12 w22
≡ 1.
z12 z42 w12 w42
≡ 1.
z12 z32 w12 w32
≡ 1;
I would have liked to do this one solo, but the edge coloring and face assignment, not to mention the triangulation, seemed
unfathomable. Looking for guidance, I found Takahashi's paper which, though he changes notation from one figure to the next,
was extremely helpful.
similarly, those marked with an exclamation point at their base must all be the same color.
Note also that faces with the same label must be bounded by the same edges types.
There are several options here:
If, however, we glue the faces D together with a twist (vertices 1 to 6, 4 to 9, etc.)
and triangulate the remaining quadrilaterals, we obtain the graph on the right:
The cusp neighborhood is:
x1 y1 ≡ z23;
The cusp neighborhood (above) is topologically correct but not geometrically correct. By using the correct angles
(Arg(xi), etc.), we can draw (with a little difficulty) a geometrically correct cusp torus:
L/M = (a + b + c + d) / m =
Using the acute angle θ = Arg(x3) + Arg(y3), we multiply the ratio times ei θ
and find the homological cusp shape to be -0.490245 + 2.97945 i. This agrees with SnapPy's result.
Csc(Arg(y2)) Csc(Arg(z3)) Sin(Arg(y3)) Sin(Arg(z1)) +
Csc(Arg(z1)) Sin(Arg(z2)) +
Csc(Arg(x2)) (Sin(Arg(x3)) + Csc(Arg(z3)) Sin(Arg(x1)) Sin(Arg(z2)))
= 3.01951.
Initially, I approached this like the 5_2 knot complement, and identified the D pentagons with a single twist.
But after considerable effort without success, I decided to examine the possibilities more generally.
I use the term "weld" to avoid confusion with the traditional term gluing.
Having prototyped the computation in Mathematica, I wrote a C program to do this analysis.
For each successful triangulation, the program outputs the graph after polygon identification and the sets of tetrahedra,
along with metadata identifying the triangulation (color permutation, identification rule, added edges and vertex assignments).
By specifying the metadata and extended debug options, the program can provide a complete list of the hubs it constructed
for that triangulation.
These have the solution
which gives a volume of 3.17729. The Chern-Simons invariant is -0.21572971. The cusp shape:
These have the solution
These have the solution
nsides = (Σinterior angles θi) / 180 + 2.
Since our primary interest is in knot complements, which are by definition open, we will ignore closed manifolds in the sequel.(angles measured in degrees)
Oddly enough, it tiles the Euclidean plane.
These have the solution
I could have sworn this was m015 (volume = 2.82812, Chern-Simons = -0.15320, the same manifold as the 5_2 knot complement);
but after checking the interior angles, I found it was an irregular octagon; probably it is m070(1,4), with
orientation opposite to SnapPy's.
Having still not discovered a triangulation yielding the volume and Chern-Simons values I was seeking, I decided to try a
different tactic.
whose solutions are
Unfortunately, while attempting to construct a geometrically correct neighborhood, it became clear that it could not be a parallelogram.
My second attempt was more successful:
Geometrization Conjecture
M = X / Γ. (Borisenko, p. 11, 16, 20, 22)
So X is the universal cover of M, and π1(M) = Γ.
Thurston conjectured that every oriented closed prime 3-manifold has a torus decomposition such that its components have one of the following
geometric structures. It was proved by Perelman in 2003.
X S3 H3 E3 H2 ⊗ R S2 ⊗ R
SL(2,R)~ Nil Sol G SO(4) PSL(2,C) R3 ⊗ SO(3) OPS Isom H2 ⊗ Isom E1
OPS SO(3) ⊗ Isom E1 SL(2,R)~ ⊗ R (1) (2) H0 SO(3) SO(3) SO(3) SO(2) SO(2) SO(2) SO(2) {e} ds2 dθ12 +
sin(θ1)2 dθ22 +
sin(θ1)2 sin(θ2)2
(dx2 + dy2 + dz2) / z2
dx2 + dy2 + dz2 dx2 + cosh2x dy2 + dz2
dθ2 + sin(θ)2
dφ2 + dz2 dx2 + dy2 - dz2
dx2 + dy2 + (dz - x dy)2
e2z dx2 + e-2z dy2 + dz2 isometry group O(4) Moeb(E2) O(3) ⊗ R3 Isom(H2) ⊗ R O(3) ⊗ R
SL(2,R)~ ⊗ R Nil ⊗ S1 Sol topologically = H2 ⊗
R R3 R3 bundle structure nontrivial S1 over S2 trivial S1 over T2 trivial S1
over surface g > 1 S1 over S2
nontrivial S1 over surface g > 1 nontrivial S1 over T2 nontrivial T2 over S1 Bianchi class IX V, VII I III (none) III, VIII II VI topological invariants e ≠ 0 e = 0
e = 0 e = 0 e ≠ 0
e ≠ 0 R 6 -6 0 -2 2 0 -1/2 -2 Ra bRa b 12 12 0 2 2 0 3/4 4
X "round" T3 H3 H3 ds2 (ra - c2 rb +
c2 c3 rc)2 dc12 + (rb - c3 rc)2 /
(1 - c22) dc22 +
rc2 / (1 - c32) dc32
dx2 + dy2 + dz2 - Σ xi xj dxi dxj /
(1 + r2) dr2 + cosh2 r dx2 + sinh2 r dθ2 R 2 c3 (ra - 2 c2 rb +
3 c2 c3 rc) / (rc (-rb + c3 rc) (ra -
c2 rb + c2 c3 rc)), < 0 -6 -6 Ra bRa b (2 c32 (ra2 - 3 c2 ra rb +
3 c22 rb2 + 4 c2 c3 ra rc -
8 c22 c3 rb rc +
6 c22 c32 rc2)) /
(rc2 (-rb + c3 rc)2
(ra - c2 rb + c2 c3 rc)2), > 0
12 12
(curvature invariants from Koehler)
Incompressible tori (g = 1 only) are obstructions to the existence of a geometric structure, and there are no geometries which
interpolate continuously between any of the eight structures. So the idea is to control the metric degeneracy in the decomposition regions by
using the Ricci Flow:
In the above coordinates, geodesics beginning in the x-y plane lift into the z direction; similarly with the x-z and y-z planes.
In the x and z directions, straight lines are geodesics, but not in the y direction.
In the above coordinates, geodesics in the x-z or y-z planes stay in those planes; geodesics in the x-y plane do not.
Straight lines in the z direction are geodesics, but not in the x or y directions.
The center of a group is the set of all members which commute with every member of the group.
d g(t) / dt = -2 Ric(g(t)) + λ(t) g(t)
to approach the singularities and then excise them. To get a feel for how it works, consider Einstein metrics,
which are "fixed points" of the flow. For metrics of positive curvature, the flow contracts the metric (to a point in finite time,
unless the flow is volume-normalized); for metrics of negative curvature, the flow expands the metric forever.
The Ricci Flow preserves isometries since it is diffeomorphism invariant, so the geometric structure is valid arbitrarily close to each singular region.
Perelman showed that for an arbitrary 3-manifold, only a finite number of surgeries are required to decompose the manifold into sub-manifolds,
each of which has one of the eight geometric structures above.
(Anderson, p. 185-9, 191-2)
The remaining manifolds are not orientable:
Three of these are Klein bottle bundles over circles. (Weeks (Shape), p. 248)
These are also twisted line bundles over S2, H2 and E2, respectively. (Weeks (Shape), p. 253, 254)
A closed 3-manifold possessing Sol geometry is finitely covered by a torus bundle over S1 with holonomy given by a
hyperbolic automorphism of T2 (an element of SL(2,Z) with distinct real eigenvalues).
(Borisenko, p. 29)
Link Complements
A knot is a simple closed curve.
A knot complement has a cusp along each link component. (Gukov, p. 17)
A link is a union of disjoint knots.
The meridian is the homotopy generator of "shorter" radius
(if the torus is filled, it bounds an embedded disc). The longitude
is the homotopy generator of "larger" radius (orthogonal to the meridian, intersecting it once).
(p,q) and (-p,-q) surgeries produce the same manifold.
(p,q) Dehn surgery on a hyperbolic manifold will produce another hyperbolic manifold except in finitely many (at most 12) cases. (Marden, section 4.10)
The result of Dehn surgery always has a cyclic fundamental group. (Thurston Notes, p. 2)
The Whitehead link and the 946 knot:
(Thurston Notes, p. 57, 61) (Thurston, p. 131) (Thurston How..., p. 2569)
q / p = 1 / (a1 + 1 / (a2 + ... + 1 / an))
such that
J(2,5) is a twist knot with 2 crossings at the top and 5 crossings at the bottom:
w1 / z3
and the generator of translations
in the longitudinal direction is the product of the longitudinal holonomy generator with the square
of the meridianal holonomy generator:
= w1 (1 - z1)
w22 w32 z14 z22
z32 * (w1 (1 - z1))2
The gluing (completeness) conditions for (p,q) Dehn surgery can then be written as
= z12 (1 - z1)2.
(which by the gluing consistency conditions is equal to the result we obtained above.)
Adding all of the interior angles in the torus boundary of the removed vertex, we obtain 1440 degrees.
Therefore the torus is described by a 10-sided polygon:
|z1| arg(z1) |z2| arg(z2)
|z3| arg(z3)
|w1| arg(w1) |w2| arg(w2)
|w3| arg(w3) 0.61071 113.458 2.23268 42.2824 0.733397 24.2599
1.5253 27.4688 0.516168 35.8646 1.27014 116.667
Π(z1) + Π(z2) + Π(z3) +
Π(w1) + Π(w2) + Π(w3)
= 1.3985088842...
Then the volume of the complement for k > 1 is
v(S3 - Ck) = 2 k (2 Π(β/2) +
Π(α + π/k) +
Π(α - π/k))
(Thurston Notes, p. 147, 167)Hyperbolic Manifolds
An atoroidal manifold contains no essential tori. If a manifold contains an essential torus (or an essential disc), it cannot be hyperbolic
(Purcell, pp. 153,4)
Every closed irreducible atoroidal 3-manifold with infinite fundamental group is hyperbolic, (π1 contains no
Z⊗Z subgroup).
Drilling out a geodesic increases the volume of a finite-volume hyperbolic manifold.
(Marden, section 4.10)
The volumes of complete hyperbolic manifolds are indexed by countable ordinals in subsets
(numbers in parentheses are SnapPy identifiers for orientable manifolds):
Geometrically, a cusp is a region isometric to the psuedosphere: the t → ∞ end of the surface
of revolution of (x,y) = (t - tanh t, sech t) (parameterized in two dimensions as ds2 = tanh2(u) du2 + sech2(u) dv2, u ∈ [0,∞), v ∈ [0, 2π]):
(Thurston Notes, p. 38, 116, 129, 139) (Thurston How..., p. 2559, 2563)
(Yokota)Li2(z) ≡ - ∫0z 1/u ln (1-u) du.
Mi,j = xi xj ∂2 V / ∂xi ∂xj,
where i and j run from 0 through all the x, and
Ni,j = xi xj ∂2 V / ∂xi ∂xj,
where i and j run from 1 through all the x.
Comparing this value to SnapPy's typically requires you tell SnapPy to "set_peripheral_curves("shortest")".
(Many thanks to Sam Nead for pointing this out).
where z are the vertex invariants (one per ideal tetrahedron), p and q are integers to be determined below, and V(M) is
the volume of M (as above).Rdf(z) ≡ ½ ln(z) ln(1-z) - ∫0z ln(1-t) / t dt
where the ± is determined by the relative orientations of the vertices (counterclockwise or clockwise) on the
corresponding tetrahedron. (The (-1-p-q) comes from x1 x2 x3 ≡ -1.)
A physicist would say that the xi have acquired a phase
For n tetrahedra, we have n equations ln(gi) = - 2 π i and 2 equations ln(hi) = 0.
This is n+2 equations in 3n variables. If by setting the "p"s to zero, these relations provide values for the "q"s,
cs(M) should then be real (up to computational precision). If we divide cs(M) by 2 π2, we should arrive at the value
given by SnapPy, modulo 1/2.
-i π/2 (γ ln(h1) + δ ln(h2)),
wheredet ((α,β),(γ,δ)) ≡ 1,
the hi are the original holonomy conditions before substitution,
and of course, due to the Dehn filling,
ln(hi) = 0 becomes ln(α h1) + ln(β h2) = 0.
A Kleinian group is a discrete torsion-free group of isometries of H3
(and is therefore a discrete subgroup of Moeb(E2)),
which acts properly discontinuously (the inverse image of any compact set is also compact).
The latter implies that a discrete group has a countable number of elements. Kleinian groups are usually
taken to be nonelementary - they leave an infinite number of fixed points on the sphere at ∞ (the dimension of the limit set dim(Λ) > 0).
∂M(G) = Ω(G) / G, and is the union of a finite number of hyperbolic Riemann
surfaces with at most a finite number of punctures (arising from parabolic fixed points) and conical points
(arising from elliptic fixed points). If g is the genus of the surface, n is the number of punctures and ri
is the order of the ith cone point (ri finite and ≥ 2), each boundary component is constrained by
2 g + n - 2 + Σ (1 - 1 / ri) > 0 (see area formula above).
If G has no elliptic elements (as we will usually assume), 3g + n -3 ≥ 1, and the deformation
(Teichmuller) space has complex dimension 3g + n - 3. The boundary surfaces have
finite area 2π (2g + n - 2) > 0, so the boundary components can be:
The projections of the universal horoballs of the group G into M(G)
are mutually disjoint; there is one for each parabolic fixed point.
If the fixed point is not also fixed by an elliptic map, its stablizer is either cyclic or abelian with rank 2.
If cyclic, the quotient of H3 by the stablizer is homeomorphic to a
solid cusp cylinder (a solid infinitely long cylinder
with its axis removed). If rank 2, the quotient is homeomorphic to
a solid cusp torus (a solid torus with its core curve removed,
having finite volume and surface area).
The boundary of either surface is incompressible.
π1 of the cusp torus injects into π1(M).
The (mutually disjoint) ε-thin parts of M are disjoint
from the universal horoballs and are either
M does not contain any essential annuli. (Purcell, p. 153)
The boundary components of the convex core are incompressible iff Λ(G) is connected.
The convex core has finite volume iff G is geometrically finite. If G is geometrically
finite without rank 1 cusps, all rank two cusps have solid cusp tori contained in the convex
M(G) can be separated into a "non-cuspidal part" Mnc(G) and a finite set of solid
cusp cylinders and solid cusp tori. The ∂Mnc(G) is either a component of
∂M(G) or a doubly infinite cusp cylinder or a cusp torus.
(Marden, section 3.12)
π1(Crel) is isomorphic to π1(M).
Δhu = ((1 - r2)2 / 4) (Δu + (2r/(1 - r2))
where Δu is the Euclidean laplacian.
An orbifold is a Hausdorff space M which is the quotient of a geometric space X by a discrete subgroup Γ of the similarities of X
which do not necessarily act freely (Γ contains elliptic elements). In particular:
(Marden, section 4.11)
(Ratcliffe, ch. 13)
(Abikoff, section 1)
On Knots
If you're going to play with knots, I recommend building a jig; tying knots without something to hold the crossovers in place can be very
difficult. I simply cut a square piece of laminate and hammered 25 nails into it. Knot 63 (from the
standard tables) is shown here:
An isotopy is a homotopy between embeddings (making
it a homeomorphism).
For an oriented link, we can assign a value to each crossing of different components:
The linking number is half of the sum of those crossing numbers, and is also an isotopy invariant.
The number of prime knots with each crossing number up to 15 have been computed:
A knot which is isotopically equivalent to its mirror image is amphicheiral.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 2 3 7 21 49 165 552 2176 9988
46972 253293
Of the knots up to 9 crossings, the only achiral knots are 31, 63, 83, 89, 812,
817 and 818.
A sub-knot whose planar projection intersects a surrounding circle four times is a tangle.
A connected sum (composite) knot is always a satellite knot. (Purcell, p.15)
A prime alternating knot is either a (2,q)-torus knot or is hyperbolic. (Purcell, p.230)
A hyperbolic knot is a knot whose complement can be given a metric of constant curvature -1.
(Adams, pp. 119-120)Polynomials
The Kauffman polynomial F(a,z) = a- writhe Λ (a,z) is defined by the following skein relations: